About me

My journey in design has taught me the power of understanding users, and I'm excited to dive deeper into creating design experiences that truly resonate.

I'm looking to specialize and transition into UX design where decisions are based on user research data and not just aesthetics to satisfy the users and reach business goals.

My work experience

Jan 2024 - Present

Jan 2024 - Present

Remote, Web 3

Remote, Web 3

Remote, Web 3

Contributor (Growth) — PotLock

Contributor (Growth) — PotLock

Contributor (Growth) — PotLock

Frameworks: Figma, Google Meet & Docs, Notion, Telegram, Twitter, LinkedIn

Frameworks: Figma, Google Meet & Docs, Notion, Telegram, Twitter, LinkedIn

Frameworks: Figma, Google Meet & Docs, Notion, Telegram, Twitter, LinkedIn

  • Public Goods Project Outreach

  • Worked on Project partnerships for Collaborations

  • Reach out to KOLs to review and give feedbacks

  • Work with other contributors to create marketing goals, calender and strategy

  • Created designs for specific contents and infographics

  • Provide General feedbacks and suggestions

  • Public Goods Project Outreach

  • Worked on Project partnerships for Collaborations

  • Reach out to KOLs to review and give feedbacks

  • Work with other contributors to create marketing goals, calender and strategy

  • Created designs for specific contents and infographics

  • Provide General feedbacks and suggestions

  • Public Goods Project Outreach

  • Worked on Project partnerships for Collaborations

  • Reach out to KOLs to review and give feedbacks

  • Work with other contributors to create marketing goals, calender and strategy

  • Created designs for specific contents and infographics

  • Provide General feedbacks and suggestions

Oct. 2023 - May 2024

Oct. 2023 - May 2024

Remote, Web 3

Remote, Web 3

Remote, Web 3

Graphics Designer — Content Creation Team

Graphics Designer — Content Creation Team

Graphics Designer — Content Creation Team

Frameworks: Figma, Google Meet, Google Docs, Telegram, Twitter

Frameworks: Figma, Google Meet, Google Docs, Telegram, Twitter

Frameworks: Figma, Google Meet, Google Docs, Telegram, Twitter

  • Created graphics for Specific Projects Thread Competition

  • Converted graphics for slideshow showcasing Projects

  • Created Mockups Designs from various projects to be used in design

  • Provide General feedbacks and suggestions.

  • Created graphics for Specific Projects Thread Competition

  • Converted graphics for slideshow showcasing Projects

  • Created Mockups Designs from various projects to be used in design

  • Provide General feedbacks and suggestions.

  • Created graphics for Specific Projects Thread Competition

  • Converted graphics for slideshow showcasing Projects

  • Created Mockups Designs from various projects to be used in design

  • Provide General feedbacks and suggestions.

Jan. 2023 - Sept. 2023

Jan. 2023 - Sept. 2023

Remote, Web 3

Remote, Web 3

Remote, Web 3

Product Designer — Hack Team

Product Designer — Hack Team

Product Designer — Hack Team

Frameworks: Figma, Google Meet, Google Docs, Discussion channels

Frameworks: Figma, Google Meet, Google Docs, Discussion channels

Frameworks: Figma, Google Meet, Google Docs, Discussion channels

Title: Token Wordle

Description: The Platform allows users to play the popular word-guessing game “Wordle” using Web 3 tokens as the primary currency.

Prize: Chainlink Top Quality Project- Chainlink Spring Hackathon 2023

Title: Token Wordle

Description: The Platform allows users to play the popular word-guessing game “Wordle” using Web 3 tokens as the primary currency.

Prize: Chainlink Top Quality Project- Chainlink Spring Hackathon 2023

Title: Token Wordle

Description: The Platform allows users to play the popular word-guessing game “Wordle” using Web 3 tokens as the primary currency.

Prize: Chainlink Top Quality Project- Chainlink Spring Hackathon 2023

Title: TradeVerse

Description: Decentralized Marketplace that revolutionizes the way buyers and sellers connect with a unique selling point of Sellers going Live to showcase their products providing authenticity to their products.

Prize: DateverseOS Bounty Winners- Rebuild Ownership Global Online Hackathon. Finalist Encode X Aurora Hackathon.

Title: TradeVerse

Description: Decentralized Marketplace that revolutionizes the way buyers and sellers connect with a unique selling point of Sellers going Live to showcase their products providing authenticity to their products.

Prize: DateverseOS Bounty Winners- Rebuild Ownership Global Online Hackathon. Finalist Encode X Aurora Hackathon.

Title: TradeVerse

Description: Decentralized Marketplace that revolutionizes the way buyers and sellers connect with a unique selling point of Sellers going Live to showcase their products providing authenticity to their products.

Prize: DateverseOS Bounty Winners- Rebuild Ownership Global Online Hackathon. Finalist Encode X Aurora Hackathon.

Title: Filmedia

Description: A Web3 content-sharing platform that empowers content creators

Prize: 2nd Best Social App built with Cyberconnect & Livepeer

Title: Filmedia

Description: A Web3 content-sharing platform that empowers content creators

Prize: 2nd Best Social App built with Cyberconnect & Livepeer

Title: Filmedia

Description: A Web3 content-sharing platform that empowers content creators

Prize: 2nd Best Social App built with Cyberconnect & Livepeer

July 2023 - Jan 2024

July 2023 - Jan 2024

Remote, Web 3

Remote, Web 3

Remote, Web 3

Graphics Designer — Play Crivia

Graphics Designer — Play Crivia

Graphics Designer — Play Crivia

Frameworks: Figma, Google Meet, Google Docs, Telegram, Twitter

Frameworks: Figma, Google Meet, Google Docs, Telegram, Twitter

Frameworks: Figma, Google Meet, Google Docs, Telegram, Twitter

  • Created graphics for Social media promotions, ads and announcements.

  • Created Graphics covers for Social media pages and Google form covers

  • Worked with Founders to Design and outline Whitepaper and Lite paper

  • Created Mockups Designs from Gameplay

  • Provide General feedbacks and suggestions.

  • Created graphics for Social media promotions, ads and announcements.

  • Created Graphics covers for Social media pages and Google form covers

  • Worked with Founders to Design and outline Whitepaper and Lite paper

  • Created Mockups Designs from Gameplay

  • Provide General feedbacks and suggestions.

  • Created graphics for Social media promotions, ads and announcements.

  • Created Graphics covers for Social media pages and Google form covers

  • Worked with Founders to Design and outline Whitepaper and Lite paper

  • Created Mockups Designs from Gameplay

  • Provide General feedbacks and suggestions.

Aug. 2022 - Dec. 2022

Aug. 2022 - Dec. 2022

Remote, Web 3

Remote, Web 3

Remote, Web 3

Business Dev — Minority Programmers/Genadrop

Business Dev — Minority Programmers/Genadrop

Business Dev — Minority Programmers/Genadrop

Frameworks: Figma, Click Up, Google Meet, Luma, Google Docs, Social Medias

Frameworks: Figma, Click Up, Google Meet, Luma, Google Docs, Social Medias

Frameworks: Figma, Click Up, Google Meet, Luma, Google Docs, Social Medias

  • Create partnerships with projects for workshops and collaborations.

  • Share resources and Job updates in Internal community

  • Create goals and social media schedules with content calender

  • Work with Project manager to create marketing docs and marketing goals

  • Created graphics for Social media promotion, ads and announcements.

  • Create partnerships with projects for workshops and collaborations.

  • Share resources and Job updates in Internal community

  • Create goals and social media schedules with content calender

  • Work with Project manager to create marketing docs and marketing goals

  • Created graphics for Social media promotion, ads and announcements.

  • Create partnerships with projects for workshops and collaborations.

  • Share resources and Job updates in Internal community

  • Create goals and social media schedules with content calender

  • Work with Project manager to create marketing docs and marketing goals

  • Created graphics for Social media promotion, ads and announcements.

Feb. 2022 - Apr. 2022

Feb. 2022 - Apr. 2022

Remote, Web 3

Remote, Web 3

Remote, Web 3

Jr. Product Designer — Artivist DAO

Jr. Product Designer — Artivist DAO

Jr. Product Designer — Artivist DAO

Frameworks: Figma, Mirror, FigJam, Google tools, Translator, Discord, Near forum

Frameworks: Figma, Mirror, FigJam, Google tools, Translator, Discord, Near forum

Frameworks: Figma, Mirror, FigJam, Google tools, Translator, Discord, Near forum

  • Worked closely with the Snr. Designer to create a style guide and design systems

  • Ideated and prototyped a landing page ensuring design principles are meet

  • Brainstorming session to ensure empathy and defination of user goals

  • Worked closely with the Snr. Designer to create a style guide and design systems

  • Ideated and prototyped a landing page ensuring design principles are meet

  • Brainstorming session to ensure empathy and defination of user goals

  • Worked closely with the Snr. Designer to create a style guide and design systems

  • Ideated and prototyped a landing page ensuring design principles are meet

  • Brainstorming session to ensure empathy and defination of user goals

July. 2021 - Jan. 2022

July. 2021 - Jan. 2022

Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Content Creator — Midas Digital Marketing Agency

Content Creator — Midas Digital Marketing Agency

Content Creator — Midas Digital Marketing Agency

Frameworks: Photoshop, Corel Draw, Canva, Microsoft Word, Facebook, Instagram

Frameworks: Photoshop, Corel Draw, Canva, Microsoft Word, Facebook, Instagram

Frameworks: Photoshop, Corel Draw, Canva, Microsoft Word, Facebook, Instagram

  • Worked closely with Project Manager to create content and Design marketing campaign Ads

  • Handled multilple social media accounts, cross posting contents

  • Auditing social media accounts and campaign strategy

  • Worked closely with Project Manager to create content and Design marketing campaign Ads

  • Handled multilple social media accounts, cross posting contents

  • Auditing social media accounts and campaign strategy

  • Worked closely with Project Manager to create content and Design marketing campaign Ads

  • Handled multilple social media accounts, cross posting contents

  • Auditing social media accounts and campaign strategy

Get in touch with me at


Get in touch with me at


Get in touch with me at



